The International Business Times is the leading provider of international business news online. - 2022-01-13 - 收藏 点击查看
The American Coatings Association (ACA) advances the needs of the paint and coatings industry through advocacy and programs that support environmental protection, product stewardship, health, safety, and the advancement of science and technology. - 2022-01-13 - 收藏 点击查看
威海市教育局主要职责是贯彻执行党和国家的教育方针、政策和法律、法规,研究拟定我市教育工作政策 、规章并监督执行。 (二)研究制订全市教育事业发展规划,拟定教育体制**及教育发展的重点、结构、 速度,指导并协调实施工作。 - 2022-01-13 - 收藏 点击查看
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Sugoo was launched out officially in october, 2005. Compared with the current variety of E-commerce websites, Sugoo aims to establish a truly international website and become a multifunctional media for companies to do business globally. - 2022-01-13 - 收藏 点击查看
Retail banking, business and investment in specialized lending, asset management, finance and specialized services to businesses, BNP Paribas is also the first Group euro area financial results and its market capitalization. - 2022-01-13 - 收藏 点击查看
Renault group news, passenger car and LCV range, financial information, job functions, careers and recruitment, sustainable development, automotive technology and history. - 2022-01-13 - 收藏 点击查看
RBC Bank is a new kind of financial services company - one that goes far beyond traditional banking services to offer our clients true financial solutions that make a difference in their lives. - 2022-01-13 - 收藏 点击查看
湘潭文明网是由湘潭市精神文明建设指导委员会办公室主办的。网站主要发布宣传思想文化和精神文明建设重要信息,进行理论宣传和形势政策教育,开展思想道德建设和精神文明创建活动,传播文明、引领风尚,促进社会文明水平和公民文明素质的提高。 - 2022-01-13 - 收藏 点击查看
Power systems provider, designing, manufacturing and supporting a range of products and services for air, sea and land applications. - 2022-01-13 - 收藏 点击查看